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Cambridge School Classics Project Blog

Photograph of Pria Jackson

Pria Jackson is a first year PhD student at Princeton University. She loves both ancient and modern theater enough to critique it often; holding it to higher standards in the hopes that it will only get better from here.

On Sensitivity Reading: the what, how, and why

What is a sensitivity reading, and how is it done? In this post, Pria Jackson reflects on her EDI work for the new edition of the Cambridge Latin Course, and on what the process can bring to our classrooms and our representations of the ancient world.

Surviving Two Thousand Years: understanding the role of power in shaping the textual record

Why do some stories survive thousands of years while others are quickly lost? Many factors affect an ancient texts chances of survival, but most important is power. If we understand how texts have survived with the aid of each generations most empowered, can we then predict which modern classics will survive?