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Cambridge School Classics Project Blog

On Sensitivity Reading: the what, how, and why

What is a sensitivity reading, and how is it done? In this post, Pria Jackson reflects on her EDI work for the new edition of the Cambridge Latin Course, and on what the process can bring to our classrooms and our representations of the ancient world.

Old friends – Barbillus

The character Barbillus has made his way to Book I in the new UK and International edition. In this post, Director Caroline Bristow introduces the history behind the character and the evidence we used to better capture his Greco-Syrian-Egyptian heritage. 

Decolonising the Classics Classroom: Diversity & Representation in Visual Aids

Working towards inclusivity in the Classics classroom is a combination of what we choose to teach and how we choose to teach it. In this post, Rob Hancock-Jones shares some of his experiences teaching Classical Civilisation making use of diverse and inclusive visual aids.

salvete omnes: the importance of welcoming everyone

Director Caroline Bristow addresses the importance of inclusion to the core mission of CSCP: ensuring that Classics flourishes in classrooms. This article also introduces the theme of race and decolonisation which will be the focus of this blog’s opening series of posts.